Handmade product packaging to help sell your items

Handmade product packaging to help sell your items

Handmade product packaging, present your handmade items for sale

 Once you have taken the step to make an item your next obstacle is often how to present your handmade products for sale.  There are so many ideas out there and each business will take a different approach.  Some of the best handmade product packaging ideas are when you think about how the item will be used or an alternative way to present your items.

Presentation Card

If you have a small item for example a set of earrings, your product could look lost on a stall or in a shop.  Therefore it is advisable to present them on a card or something similar.  This card can really showcase your item, the background colour of the card can help to demonstrate the colours or detail of your item.  Also it will help keep a set together making it useful handmade product packaging as well.

Shaped Card Demonstrator

Like the card backers some people have gone further and actually used shaped cards.  By shaping the card it can really showcase what the item is used for making it crystal clear to a customer what they are looking at.  To give you an example if you make mug cosies, if you present the item on a mug shaped piece of card the customer can clearly see what the item is and how it should be used.

Ribbon bow

If you make a larger item like a quilt or blanket it can work to fold the item nicely and the secure it with a ribbon bow.  Not strictly handmade packaging but is a nice way of presenting your item.  This can help it sit on a shelf or stall neatly, but also gives a more professional finish to your item.  The tied ribbon bow can also be useful if you sell an item that there are several of, for example coasters.  A tied ribbon can hold the several items together so they can be seen to be a single product.

Presentation Box

If your items are a set for example one of the nicest ways to present your item is in a presentation box.  By having the items nicely presented where it is clear what items are included and potentially their purpose can really help the item to sell.  In addition a boxed item is often more favorable to customers who are looking to give on your item as a gift.

Zip bags

If you sell small items like confectionery or wax melts the use of zip lock bags can help collect your items together and present them nicely.  Labels can then be added to the bag to display safety, allergy or usage information.

Just be aware that if you are selling an item that the customer may like to sample that they may wish to open the bag.  For example customers often like to smell scented items.  To save on customers opening the packaging it may be advisable to have samples on offer for customers to test prior to purchase.  These can easily be picked up from www.amazon.com


Some crafters choose to wrap their items in cellophane, this can work well and give a professional finish to a gift basket for example.  However one thing to be aware of if using this approach is that a number of customers are now becoming more environmentally conscious and will prefer items that are not heavily packaged in plastic.  There are more green alternatives to the plastic cellophane which could over come this whilst still giving the same visual effect.

Custom Stand

Sometimes items can be small and will often get lost on a table or shelf.  Therefore some items will benefit from being presented on a stand of some sort.  For example a key ring or necklace pendant will be far more eye-catching if displayed on a stand.  Try to think of a striking background colour that will really make the items pop.  There are several standard stands on the market as well specifically for displaying necklaces for example so it may help to see what stands are already widely used.

However you decide to present your items it is important that you are consistent and try and use the medium as a platform to advertise your business.  Your handmade product packaging can really give off a professional appearance to your products and your business.  Therefore taking a bit of time to work on your packaging can really have a beneficial overall outcome on the opinion of your business.

If you have found this post helpful you may also be interested in branding ideas that can be found in our branding basics post https://www.claireyatfairycrafters.com/simple-branding-just-the-basics/

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