Timesavers – My must haves

Timesavers – My must haves

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There are few time savers that I use who save me a huge amount of time giving me more time for crafting which I will share with you.  These work well for me although I know that not everyone will like their use, particularly Internet food shopping.
Internet food shopping
I absolutely HATE supermarkets and I will try to avoid going to one at all costs.  As a result I have always been an internet food shopper, and I would recommend this to anyone who is looking to make more time in their week.  First I meal plan for the week so I know exactly what we will all be having for meals throughout the week and write it down on my calendar.  From this I then create my shopping list which I add to my shopping basket as I go.  I have my shopping delivered at the same time every week, which for us works best on a Friday afternoon.  We double check the list and add anything that we have run out of on a Thursday night.  This technique means we don’t spend extra being distracted by all the cakes and sweets that the children would pick up.  We don’t have to wrestle the children around a supermarket which is 100% less stressful.
Slow Cooker
My slow cooker is probably one of my favourite kitchen gadgets! I feel quite smug when I am sat at work and I know that cooking away at home is a nice warming and filling meal.  They are so versatile there are so many meals that can be made up in them beyond just a homely casserole.  I have been looking at upgrading my slow cooker though and have been researching instant pots.  This is the one that I have been considering.  I think that this could possibly replace my slow cooker and could even be better.

Before I discovered Buffer it felt like I spent my life on social media.  I was trying to make consistent and interesting posts.  Buffer has been an absolute god send, I personally use the free version.  With separate account for the shop and my own craft business.  I can schedule 10 posts in advance across all my social media profiles.  Spending an afternoon scheduling them all and can then forget about them knowing that online marketing for my businesses are sorted.  If you haven’t used Buffer before here is a post I wrote about how I use Buffer.
I would be lost without my numerous lists.  This app EveryNote keeps all my lists in one place and quickly accessible.  I also use this app like an online notebook blog posts, emails and other administration documents.  They are all created in this app and then pasted across once completed.  This app can be used across devices so I can sit while the children play at the park and type away on my tablet.  The next time I am on the laptop the documents will sync automatically and they will be ready for me to send or upload.
I have my husband to thank for this tip.  He has signed up to Amazon subscribe and save for everyday regulars we use like our pet food.  He has our dog’s food delivered at regular intervals.  We never run out and half the time forget that it is time to be delivered.  This is incredibly convenient but you also receive a discount on the items for using this service.  This is the dog food that we get sent on subscription for our doggie.


My planner is my life on paper.  In one filofax style folder are all my daily to do lists, my order book and all the important dates for school and work.  I always have it with me so I can jot things down.  Like when an order comes in or a crafter lets me know they will be coming down to the shop.  There are loads of ideas online about bullet journals and what to include in them.  I have a books read, TV Shows, business goals, fitness goals and rent tracker page.  You can track anything you like in your planner and can find the whole process quite therapeutic as you can unleash your creative side for decorating pages.  I use a planner in this style and then I customise my own inserts.

Click here to see how my planner is laid out and how I use it https://claireyatfairycrafters.com/my-life-in-one-book-my-planner/
Personally I would be lost without these little helpers.  I wouldn’t be able to quantify the amount of time they actually save me.  Let me know if there are any other time savers that you swear by.  Or if any of my methods have given you some valuable time back.
My Timesavers
My Timesavers

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